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Our website address is: https://caldoon-intl.com


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All contracts of sale made by Caldoon International Trading Company Ltd (‘the Supplier’) and the Buyer, whether made by post, telephone, email or other electronic ordering methods, including our website, shall be deemed to incorporate these terms and conditions, which shall override any terms or conditions stipulated, incorporated or referred to by the Buyer, whether in the order or in any negotiations, unless expressly accepted in writing by the Supplier. The headings of the clauses of these conditions are for reference only.

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a) The Supplier reserves the right to modify the prices from time to time without prior notice. b) The prices quoted do not include Value Added Tax (‘VAT’), which shall be added to the price where applicable, unless a valid VAT exemption certificate is supplied by the Buyer, c) Goods and services, together with VAT, are invoiced in pounds sterling at the price prevailing at the time of order. .

Delivery & Carriage

a) The Supplier shall make every effort to supply products or goods as advertised but reserves the right to vary actual dimensions, specifications, and quantities without prior notice. b) In the event that the Supplier cannot supply the goods ordered by the Buyer, the Supplier reserves the right to supply goods of equal or superior quality at no extra cost. c) The Supplier shall be under no liability to the Buyer for damage to or loss of goods in transit unless the Buyer notifies the Supplier of any damage or loss of goods within 3 working days from receipt. Any attempt at raising a claim outside of this period will not be actioned. d) Where the Buyer’s order specifies a delivery date, the Supplier shall make every effort to comply with this date but unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, the Supplier shall not be liable for delay of delivery. e) The Buyer has no claim against the Supplier for delay in delivery of, or failure to deliver the goods, as a result of strikes, labour disputes or other industrial action, emergency conditions, fire, flood, accident or any other cause whatsoever beyond the Supplier’s control, whether or not of a similar nature to any of the foregoing. Nor shall the Buyer have any claim against the supplier for failure to deliver the goods within the time specified. The maximum claim will be restricted to the value of product not delivered. f) The Supplier may make deliveries in one or more instalments, and each such instalment shall be deemed to be under a separate contract. Any default by the Supplier in delivery of any instalments, shall not entitle the Buyer to repudiate the contract with regard to future instalments remaining deliverable. g) If the Buyer makes a default in taking delivery of or paying for an instalment, the Supplier will be relieved from all obligations to make any further deliveries but without prejudice to its right to recover damages for breach of contract h) The Supplier will add a carriage charge to all orders that fall below the Suppliers current Minimum Order Value (MOV) criteria. The Supplier reserves the right to modify both the MOV value as well as the carriage charges without prior notice.

Payment and Title to the goods

a) Normally payment will be due 30 days after the day when the invoice was raised. The Supplier reserves the right to vary these terms of payment and the Buyer should make payment in accordance with the terms stated in the Supplier’s invoice or as stated by the Supplier on receipt of the Buyer’s order.
b) The Supplier reserves the title of the delivered goods (reserved property) until all claims have been settled, even if payments for specially designated claims have been made. With a current account, the reserved property serves for securing payment of the amount outstanding.
c) The Buyer shall have the right to process and sell the goods sold with retention of title during normal business under his standard terms and conditions as long as he has not delayed payment. Pledging or assignment of securities is prohibited.
d) The Buyer commits himself to provide any information necessary for enforcing the Supplier’s rights and to hand over any documentation necessary for this. When third parties have access to the goods sold with retention of title, especially in the case of pledging, the Buyer must point out the Supplier’s ownership and notify the latter at once by registered mail to enable the Supplier to enforce his rights of ownership. The Buyer shall bear the costs of all measures necessary for averting the intervention.
e) Any breach of contract by the Buyer in particular, delayed payment shall authorise the Supplier to request the return of goods sold within retention of title or, where appropriate, request transfer of the Buyer’s claim for return against third parties. Requesting the return and pledging of the goods sold with retention of title by the Buyer, does not constitute a rescission of the contract.
f) The Supplier reserves the right to amend or withdrawn, without prior notice, the Buyer’s payment terms where payment is delayed.
g) The Buyer is obligated to provide for adequate insurance protection of the goods sold with retention of title. Despite the reservation of title, the Buyer bears the risk of loss and deterioration of the goods sold with retention of title.
h) Notwithstanding the terms of sub-clause (b) hereof all responsibility for the safe custody protection and preservation of the goods after delivery is deemed to have taken place shall rest with the Buyer, who shall take all proper steps with regard thereto and shall in any event remain liable to pay for all goods delivered.
i) The Supplier reserves the right to charge interest on overdue payment from the date due at 2.5% above the Bank base lending rate calculated daily.
j) The Buyer shall notify of any discrepancies with the invoice within 14 days of receipt.


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Modern Slavery Statement  (anti-slavery and human trafficking)

Statement of Commitment 

Caldoon International Trading Company Ltd supplier of protective workwear and equipment, industrial disposable and re-usable gloves, polyethylene, pulp, paper, cotton, workwear products and medical supplies. Through our supply-chain we work closely with our suppliers to innovate, design, source and sell our products. As stated in the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) base code guidance: modern slavery is an umbrella term that includes forced labour, debt bondage, servitude, and trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation. Our principles and commitment to assessing not only modern slavery and human trafficking but also the full extent of social accountability is built upon the ETI base guidelines and is managed through our risk management and business policies.    

About Us 

Caldoon International Trading Company provides protection and hygiene products for the workplace. Our wide and technical range – including re-useable and disposable gloves, polyethylene, pulp, paper, cotton and workwear – is trusted and used by multiple sectors throughout UK and overseas.  

The Caldoon International Trading Company head office is situated in Neston, Wirral, Cheshire.   

Our Values 

We actively encourage dynamism and an entrepreneurial spirit with all our staff. In every area of our business, we recognise that our people are our greatest asset. We see each person as an individual, on their own career path. That is why we take care to nurture, grow and help realise their ambitions.    

Our Business 

Our business is organised into two areas. 

• Medical, which supplies surgical and medical examination gloves, pulp products, polyethylene products, medical equipment, and infection control products. 

• Industrial, which supplies PPE equipment – primarily gloves, workwear, janitorial products, paper products. 

Both areas are supported by central functions such as Finance, Supply Chain, Sales, Customer Services, Warehouse & Logistics, Marketing, Human Resources, IT, Management Systems and Technical. 

Our Policies 

Our values and mission are supported and communicated through our policies and procedures. They also set the standard for the performance and conduct of our employees and set the expectations that we have of our critical sub-contractors and suppliers.  Modern Slavery Statement  (anti-slavery and human trafficking).   

Our Supply Chains 

Our supply chain includes the sourcing of both raw materials and finished goods for the medical, professional and consumer markets from critical sub-contractors and suppliers globally.   

Our Approach on slavery and human trafficking 

We continue to work collaboratively with our suppliers to eradicate forced labour and ill treatment of employees within our supply chains.  Caldoon International Trading Company Ltd continues to be committed in acting ethically in all social and environmental aspects and our anti-slavery and social accountability policies reflects this.  We believe that it is important to act with integrity in our business relationships and take all reasonable and practical steps (including factory and warehouse inspections and audits) to ensure that our standards are being implemented throughout the businesses of our suppliers and that all relevant local legislation and international regulations are complied with. This involves: 

• Communication with suppliers to ensure an understanding of the Modern Slavery Act and our policy. 

• Conduct risk assessment and information exchange through our social responsibility code of conduct. 

• Review supplier performance through audit of the code of conduct and on-site activities (where required). 

• Conduct annual review of our social accountability and anti-slavery policies and performance. 

Our social accountability management system is based around the International Labour Organization (ILO) fundamental conventions and Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) base code principles. We currently manage our systems in line with two methodologies: 

• LSAS – We are level 2 within the LSAS programme (there are 4 levels). LSAS (Labour Standards Assurance System) was developed by NHS supply chain in conjunction with the Department of Health and industry bodies to provide an extra level of corporate, social, and ethical governance with regards to labour standards within the supply chain. 

• SMETA – We are currently registered on the SEDEX website which is a global membership where organisations can manage their performance around labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics. This is used specifically for our retail sector and involves audit and improvement processes with our suppliers.   

Supplier Adherence to our values 

It is our ambition to source 100% of our resources from suppliers who are committed in promoting fundamental human rights. We encourage complete transparency with our suppliers, assisting where necessary to improve practices, however, we have zero tolerance of slavery and human trafficking.  

We expect all those in our supply chain and partners to comply with our values. Polyco Healthline will only trade with those suppliers who fully comply with this policy or those who are taking verifiable steps towards compliance. 


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training during the induction process and additionally to relevant members of staff. This includes training from the Stronger Together organisation http://stronger2gether.org/ , who continue to provide us with updates on the subject and continued review and support from the National Health Service Labour Standards Assurance system.   

Our aims and effectiveness in addressing slavery and human trafficking. 

We use the following measures and information to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains: 

• Pre-selection audits of potential supply partners 

• Records from supply partners with regards to maintaining their own quality and social accountability assurance systems 

• Use of third-party auditors to check supply partners 

• Continued high levels of communication and personal contact with our supply partners to reinforce their understanding of, and compliance with, our expectations. 

• Corporate governance through building long term trusted and open relationships throughout our supply chain. 

Due diligence with regards to human rights and social accountability is integral to the management programmes that address potential risks and implement improvement.   

Our objectives 

2020/2021 Schedule 

The following progress has been made against the 2020/2021 objectives: 

• Review the current social accountability questionnaire regarding the principles of ‘equal pay for equal work’ – complete and updated June 2022. 

• Review the Ethical Trade Policy with respect to the Human Rights Act (1998) and the means of reporting grievances to management – complete and updated June 2022. Modern Slavery Statement  (anti-slavery and human trafficking).   

• Complete the Modern Slavery Assessment Tool to help guide improvements within our supply chain – supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/msat – complete June 2022. 

• Maintain our level 2 LSAS compliance – complete July 2022.  

2022/2023 Schedule 

The following objectives have been agreed for 2022/2023: 

• Upload all primary suppliers to the Brand Integrity risk management system for the assessment and evaluation of supplier social compliance. 

• Complete the Anti-corruption tool to help guide improvements within our supply chain – supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk. 

• Upgrade our systems from level 2 LSAS compliance to level 3 compliance.   


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our group’s Modern Slavery Statement for the current financial year.  

Should any concerns arise, or suspicious activity be noted then these need to be reported to our Head Office (0151 348 4536) and shall be treated in complete confidence.  

This statement has been approved by our Board of Directors. It is reviewed and updated on an annual basis during April.  

The statement is available through the following methods: 

• Website: https://caldoon-intl.com 

• Email: Customer Services Email ([email protected]

• In writing: Caldoon International Trading Company LTD, 8 Park Street, Neston, Wirral, CH64 3RP  

All contracts of sale made by Caldoon International Trading Company Ltd (‘the Supplier’) and the Buyer, whether made by post, telephone, email or other electronic ordering methods, including our website, shall be deemed to incorporate these terms and conditions, which shall override any terms or conditions stipulated, incorporated or referred to by the Buyer, whether in the order or in any negotiations, unless expressly accepted in writing by the Supplier. The headings of the clauses of these conditions are for reference only.